The following courses are free to view for our students. However you will need the password you received in class. If your password expires before you are able to view the courses, please let me know and I will get you an updated password. We will be adding additional courses over time.
If you have any questions, please call 952-200-8823, or email
How to choose a carry gun:
This course explains what features are essential for having a safe gun to carry in public, while also looking at features that will give advantages during the defensive use of a firearm. This course was created by Jason Shade. He has a diploma in Gunsmithing, and is a Firearms instructor specializing in self defense. This course is free to anyone that took the Permit to Carry Course. (password was given out in class)
Fundamentals of Shooting:
This video was once sold in all major retail locations where guns were sold. This video is now included for free with the permit to carry class, or Fundamentals of Shooting class. (Password given out in class) This covers the 15 Fundamentals of shooting and how they are applied. This is not just essential for beginners to learn good habits, but also a great way for seasoned experts to fix bad habits.
Coming soon…
Self Protection, How to sight in an optic, Defensive Handgun, Defensive Carbine, Carbine Intro, How to properly draw your handgun, and MANY MANY more.